1862 Hits
Here are some of our top picks for shopping in Kalgoorlie Boulder for gifts for him, her, the kids and the relatives for this festive season #shoplocKal.
1488 Hits
3833 Hits
With Christmas just around the corner, let us help you make your Christmas shopping a breeze. With an abundance of choice in Kalgoorlie-Boulder #shoploKal and treat your friends, family and maybe even yourself to handmade local treats.
1778 Hits
​With the iconic Round just weeks away, we are giving you the all the information needed to experience the best of Kalgoorlie's culture, food, wine, fashion and lifestyle!The Round has been reinvented to give you a true taste of Kalgoorlie, with events for the whole family and grown-ups alike. And with Georgia Love as the Round National Ambassador,...
4234 Hits
We can almost taste the change in seasons here in Kalgoorlie Boulder. Spring is around the corner and it's one of our favourite seasons in the Goldfields. Warm days and blue skies are perfect for exploring. We compiled a list of our top 10 things to do this Spring to give you some inspiration. Whether you're a local looking to fill a weekend or you...
28413 Hits