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? Important Announcement:  Score Bench Course ?
The GBA is excited to announce that we've secured TWO score bench courses for the weekend of March 15th and 16th! ?
?  Course Details:
Saturday, 15th March @ 1pm - Level 1
Sunday, 16th March @ 11am - Level 2
? Action Required:
We request that each club has at least 2 representatives attend these courses. This is a high priority as we need to raise the level of scoreboard competence within the association. Even if you only attend the Saturday session, please do your best to participate.
? Please distribute the info to all your club members ASAP! We appreciate your support in helping to improve our skills and standards across the association.
Let's work together to level up! ?
#ScoreBench # GBA #BasketballSkills #Training #AssociationGrowth

2025-03-15 13:00:00
2025-03-16 14:00:00