Self Drive Tours
Land Based Tours Kalgoorlie
Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm. Saturday, 9:00am to 4:00pm. Sunday 9am - 2pm and Public Holidays, 9:00am to 1:00pm. Closed Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
Why not "Drive Yourself Wild" in the Goldfields? Well look no further than the Kalgoorlie Boulder Visitor Centre to help with your car rental needs. We are here, seven days a week to help get you on the road and explore Kalgoorlie Boulder, and the further Goldfields. With the convenience of pick up and drop off location of the Visitor Centre, in the heart of the City, rates start from $80.00 per day.
For more information and bookings, contact the Kalgoorlie Boulder Visitor Centre on 08 9021 1966.
Bookings can be made direct with the Kalgoorlie Boulder Visitor Centre. Rates start from $80.00 per day (24 hour period), which is an all inclusive rate with 150 free kilometres of travel per day (30 cents per kilometre thereafter).
Terms and Conditions apply. For more information and bookings, contact the Kalgoorlie Boulder Visitor Centre on 08 9021 1966.
Map & Directions
Located at Kalgoorlie Boulder Visitor Centre, Kalgoorlie Town Hall, 316 Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie.