Health and safety tips to ensure you have an enjoyable and trouble-free stay
If you take prescribed medication, make sure you will have enough for the duration of your trip and bring a script renewal with you, from your doctor.
Always carry adequate supplies of water and a comprehensive first aid kit. Mosquitoes can carry diseases such as Encephalitis and Ross River Virus. Use appropriate insect repellents and cover arms and legs with loose clothing, particularly at dawn and dusk.
While Australia is considered to be a very safe country, it is still best to avoid dangerous situations:
- Avoid dark public spaces when alone.
- Avoid hitch-hiking and never hitch-hike alone.
- Always let someone know where you are and where you are going.
- Take care when using Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) and secure your cash quickly.
- Keep valuables out of sight and secure while you are travelling.
- Drink alcohol responsibly and in moderation.
- Symptoms of dehydration usually begin with thirst and progress to more alarming manifestations as the need for water becomes more dire. The initial signs and symptoms of mild dehydration in adults, appear when the body has lost about 2% of it's total fluid. These mild dehydration symptoms are often (but not limited to) thirst, loss of appetite, dry skin, skin flushing, dark coloured urine, dry mouth, fatigue or weakness, chills and head rushes. If you experience any of these symptoms and are seeking medical attention, contact the Kalgoorlie Hospital on (08) 9080 5888. They are located at 68 Piccadilly Street, Kalgoorlie.

Emergency information and important contact numbers
Fire/Police/Ambulance |
000 |
Fire/Police/Ambulance from GSM mobile phone |
112 |
Royal Flying Doctors Service (Emergencies only) |
1800 625 800 |
Automobile Association of Australia |
13 11 11 |
Drive Safe WA |
+61 8 9525 2252 |
Drive WA |
Local Police in Kalgoorlie Boulder |
+61 8 9021 9777 |
Coolgardie Police |
+61 8 9026 6000 |
Eucla Police |
+61 8 9039 3470 |
Wiluna Police |
+61 8 9981 7024 |
Kambalda Police |
+61 8 9027 1555 |
Laverton Police |
+61 8 9031 1000 |
Leinster Police |
+61 8 9037 9000 |
Leonora Police |
+61 8 9037 6100 |
Menzies Police |
+61 8 9024 2042 |
Kalgoorlie Hospital |
+61 8 9080 5888 |
Poison Information Centre (WA) |
13 11 26 |

Be Sun Smart
The Bureau of Meteorology issues a UV forecast every day to help people to avoid overexposure to high levels of UV radiation.
The UV index range is expressed as a numeric value from 0 to 20 and has bands of colour representing the risk level of skin damage due to UV exposure from Low (0-2): Green, to Extreme (11+): Purple.
Low (0-2): Green
Moderate (3-5): Yellow
High (6-7): Orange
Very High (8-10): Red
Extreme (11+): Purple
Cancer Council Australia recommends Australians take five steps to protect against sun damage when the SunSmart UV Alert indicates the UV Index is at 3 or above:
Slip on some sun-protective clothing, that covers as much skin as possible.
Slop on SPF30+ sunscreen - make sure it is broad spectrum and water resistant. Put it on 20 minutes before you go outdoors and every two hours afterwards. Sunscreen should never be used to extend the time you spend in the sun.
Slap on a hat that protects your face, head, neck and ears.
Seek shade.
Slide on some sunglasses - make sure they meet Australian Standards.

Travelling to remote areas
Some of the region's natural attractions lie in remote areas. Before heading off, remember to:
Let someone know your destination and schedule.
Carry extra water and food.
Carry a signal device, such as a flare or mirror.
Make sure you know how to use a 4WD if you are taking one.
Plan your route and take maps.
If your plans change, let someone know.
If possible, carry some form of communication equipment.
If you break down or get stuck, always stay with your vehicle, try to park so you can be seen and conserve your food and water.

Photo courtesy of Matty Proice
Kangaroo Safety Tips
Kangaroos are often portrayed in the media as friendly and cuddly Australian cultural icons. However, they can hurt people. The risk of being attacked by a kangaroo is very low. Several thousand people seek medical attention each year for injuries from domestic pets, while fewer than five people are treated for kangaroo-related injuries. The greatest risk is in areas where people have altered kangaroos' natural habitat and feeding patterns.
Here are some tips to avoid being hurt from a Kangaroo:
Do not walk directly towards a kangaroo.
Do not stand up tall, stare or hold your arms out towards a kangaroo.
Do not go near kangaroos engaged in courtship or mating behaviour, for example, males sniffing, touching or moving round with females.
Do not go near male kangaroos that are sparring, fighting or showing off their size and strength to each other.
Do not go near a kangaroo that is growling or clucking.
Do not move between a female and her joey.
Do not allow your dog to approach a kangaroo. Kangaroos will vigorously defend themselves against dogs, and this may draw you into a dangerous situation.
If you feel threatened by a kangaroo, move well clear. Try not to attract the kangaroo's attention and keep your head and arms low. Wait until the kangaroo has moved away before continuing on your way. If you need to, carefully retreat in a crouched or crawling position to a safe location or distance away. If you can, position an object such as a tree or fence between you and the kangaroo and call for help. Alert your helper to the potential danger.
If you are attacked, drop to the ground and curl into a ball with your hands protecting your face and throat. Try to remain calm and still until the animal moves away, or if you can, keep low to the ground and move behind some form of cover. Report incidents to your local authorities.

Snake or Spider Bite Safety Tips
First up, if you see a snake, leave it alone and walk away; snakes won't usually bite if they don't feel threatened.
Wear sensible, closed-in footwear if you're in a high-risk area, such as long grass or on a bushwalk.
Be vigilant when you're in such an area and stay on clear tracks if you're bushwalking.
Likewise, if you see a spider, resist the temptation to poke, prod or in any way aggravate it.
But if you are bitten and can safely capture the spider, dead or alive, take it with you to hospital or the doctor.
Check your shoes and clothes when possible, espcially if they've been on the ground.
Check in and around outdoor toilets or garden sheds and put on some gardening gloves if you're working outside, checking the gloves before you slip them on.
If you are bitten by a snake, do the following:
Stay calm. Simple but crucial.
Do not attempt to catch the snake, just move yourself or the patient away from it into a safe place and then call triple zero and ask for the ambulance service. Keep the patient still.
Apply a pressure bandage over the bite site and wrap the bandage up the limb. The bandage should not cut off circulation, it should be about the same pressure you'd put on a sprained ankle.
Use a crepe roller bandage, which is available at all chemists, where possible. If you're in the bush or somewhere remote, you will need to improvise. You may also need to use more than one bandage.
If the bite is not on a limb, apply direct, firm pressure to the site with your hands. If it is on a limb, apply a splint to stop any movement.
Never cut or excise the wound and do not try to suck the venom out. Do not apply a tourniquet, it could complicate the injury.

If you are bitten by a spider, do the following:
Your course of action is different depending on the species.
Paramedics say any bite from a large black spider should be assumed to be a funnel web bite until it can be proven otherwise.
It is crucial not to let the patient walk or move the affected limb, this will slow the spread of the venom.
Wash the bitten area with soap and water.
Apply an icepack to the wound area to help relieve the swelling.
See your doctor if the skin starts to blister or ulcerate.

For Funnel Web Spiders, do the following:
Apply a pressure bandage over the bite site and wrap it up the limb. Again, do not wrap the limb too tightly and cut off circulation.
Symptoms may include local pain, mouth numbness, vomiting, abdominal pain, sweating and salivation.

For Red Back Spiders, do the following:
Place cold packs on the bite site but do not apply a compression bandage. The venom movement is slow and pressure will worsen the pain.
Symptoms may include pain (which can become severe), sweating (always around the bite site), muscular weakness, nausea and vomiting.